What is Glycemic Index?

Glycaemic Index: GI

What is it?

GI  is the measure of how fast sugar hits our blood stream after consuming any particular type of food. 

Why is it important?

  • It affects our immune system

  • It affects our energy levels

  • It affects our mood

  • It can reduce our chances of developing diabetes type II

  • It can help us cure Diabetes type II 

  • Because indirectly it can lead to us eating more wholesome food


GI 0-100 

0-55 = Low-GI 56-69 = Medium GI 70-100 = High-GI


Cooked potatoes GI can range from 70 upwards

Cooked Lentils 31

Broccoli 15

Most green veg have low GI

Aim to reducing the amount of high GI foods and increasing the amount of low GI foods. It also means eating non-processed foods that release sugar slowly. 

It is ok to eat high GI foods, but in small quantities. Thus, glycaemic load (overall amount of sugar reaching our blood stream) will remain low. 

The less processed the food is, the lower the GI. 

Less processed foods have more nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. 

By reducing the amount of sugar in our blood over a period of time, we also gradually reduce levels of our insulin. Insulin is a hormone of hunger and fat storage (amongst other things). So reducing insulin helps us feel less hungry, helps us burn fat. This is partly why some slim people can eat a lot. They are choosing low GI foods that do not make them put weight on. 

Overall benefits of low GI lifestyle: 

  1. Reduce hunger 

  2. Stabilise energy

  3. Stabilise mood

  4. Normalisation of weight/ easier to lose weight

  5. Stronger immune system 

  6. Reduced risk of all cancers due to weight reduction (obesity is a risk factor for all cancers)

  7. Reduced risk of heart attacks and strokes (through reduction of weight)

  8. Reduction of blood pressure (through reduction of weight)

  9. Prevention of diabetes type II

  10. Helps cure diabetes type II



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