Preventing Illness & Ageing Gracefully

Preventing Illness & Ageing Gracefully

Preventing Illness & Ageing Gracefully Preventing illness and ageing gracefully  “My heart attack was a wake-up call”, this is what I often hear from my patients. Why wait so long? Why not prevent this from happening? Like doctors can predict illnesses often long time...
How you can strengthen your immune system?

How you can strengthen your immune system?

How can you strengthen your immune system? How can you strengthen your immune system? The 4 levels: Physical: Nutrition: add vitamin C : lime or lemon a day. Drink this juice with water through a straw to protect your teeth daily. (You already know the basics: more...
Anxiety: A Holistic Approach

Anxiety: A Holistic Approach

Anxiety: A Holistic Approach Anxiety is terribly common. We all get it, and we need to do something about it. For if we don’t, it will keep coming back and affecting our quality of life. I am not talking about medication here. It’s not a real solution,...
How Does Online Consulting Work?

How Does Online Consulting Work?

How does an online consultation work? This video is especially for those of you who feel somewhat less confident when it comes to computers and technology. You do not need many IT skills to get an online consultation. You only need to be able to send and receive an...
Green Juicing Made Easy

Green Juicing Made Easy

Green Juicing Made Easy Green juicing! If you have a condition, green juicing will help you heal. If you are healthy, green juicing will help you stay healthy. Preventative medicine is the best one for obvious reasons! Having green juice a few times a week is super...
Subcutaneous Injections – Quick Guide

Subcutaneous Injections – Quick Guide

Subcutaneous Injections - Quick Guide An easy and quick way to do subcutaneous injections—demonstration! You need  Alcohol swabs or swabs  2ml Syringes  Blue 23 G needles or 25 G needles (even smaller) Sharps box.  Syringes, needles, and alcohol swabs you can buy on...